Why so much rage

Re: Why so much rage
Post by: Livetabon - February 18th, 2016, 11:32:57 pm

Staff should not be ignoring this, ever since the chat censor rules have been updated staff have been confusing "Swearing" and "Disrespect" together.

No one should be swearing AT you and calling YOU names.

No one should be giving you death threats (if pertaining irl.)

I will discuss this with our staff team and look at this through the logs.

If there is disrespect feel free to post it here, I will see it. Every time.


Re: Why so much rage
Post by: Mod_Guy - February 19th, 2016, 11:40:05 am

[quote author=Livetabon link=topic=5457.msg29125#msg29125 date=1455856377]
Staff should not be ignoring this, ever since the chat censor rules have been updated staff have been confusing "Swearing" and "Disrespect" together.

No one should be swearing AT you and calling YOU names.

No one should be giving you death threats (if pertaining irl.)

I will discuss this with our staff team and look at this through the logs.

If there is disrespect feel free to post it here, I will see it. Every time.

[/quote] I am with liv on this one. If anything else happenes, feel free to msg a staff member. I am on every day after school. If im not on, mail me or any other staff, we will see it when we get on. Thats the whole reason /mail is there. Thank you,

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