A Racist Rule

Re: A Racist Rule
Post by: Livetabon - September 17th, 2015, 9:29:10 pm

[quote author=??Wendy-Chan?? link=topic=4701.msg24824#msg24824 date=1442539586]
[quote author=Lord_Of_Dubstep link=topic=4701.msg24819#msg24819 date=1442538921]
well unlike u i would actually use a tool such as google translate and akso you ban me yet check if im on the forums good move :D

Stop disrespecting staff you Baka (Yeah go use your precious google translate for that one. And just so you know, its Japanese)! And Liv is totally right (BTW Liv, your the Pokemon Master X3), go on to a French site and speak French. Also look up the definition of racist before you accuse someone of being it. Its also in the rules, I think, so yeah. Dont mess with our great staff team! And follow the rules! AND look up words before you use them, aight?

Thank you :)

Its crippled still Yvetal, and our rule still stands.

This is an english server, that is why a majority of our playerbase is in america and canada (some uk), because we are mostly english speaking.

Anyways, I am locking topic, I explained why our rules will not change and the faults behind this argument. There is nothing more we are going to gain from this, without arguing and causing a scene.


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