Can this even Happen!?!?!?!?!

Re: Can this even Happen!?!?!?!?!
Post by: Asheiou - June 12th, 2015, 4:33:53 pm

[quote author=UmbreonFang link=topic=3220.msg15979#msg15979 date=1433714080]
I hate hackers. Have you posted this in Report Abuse?

Re: Can this even Happen!?!?!?!?!
Post by: flagrocker - June 15th, 2015, 2:58:42 am

[quote author=One link=topic=3220.msg15689#msg15689 date=1433284095]
Are you sure you were in a safe zone?

I know SpikeSmasher in real life, and everytime i ask if he uses mods/hacks, these are his responses.
[list type=decimal]
[li]I use "codes".[/li]
[li]How do I get mods?[/li]
What the porkchop does he even mean by codes? Probably just Spike Slang for hacks. Anyway, he has played on other servers with me. My friends server I am an operator on (means i have access to all commands) and he somehow finds ways to ban me (you cant ban ops.). He has also griefed some stuff Id built without having permissions to. And then hell tell me "Im destroying your server little by little." and thats when I pbanned him and he STILL got back on the server, until I banned his ip. On CubeBuilders, he somehow killed me when we were in the same faction (NOT with /pvp) and every now and then hell pvp me and I might win, but he respawns and without even opening a chest, he puts on diamond armor and then kills me.
Indeed SpikeSmasher is a very suspicious guy.

Ikr I havent seen him do those things for awhile now but I will keep a look out if neccesary.
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