Ender chest bug in PersonalSpace

Ender chest bug in PersonalSpace
Post by: InvalidSession - March 27th, 2016, 12:29:22 am

I found a bug that occurs in PersonalSpace. Basicly every time you leave your world, your ender chest becomes empty. Hope this gets fixed soon because I want to store some books in it.

Ender chest bug in PersonalSpace
Post by: patman96 - March 27th, 2016, 1:45:55 am

Hello rly_gud_player,

After looking in to your situation and testing out the glitch myself, the only thing I found is that ender chests are not compatible between worlds. This means that if you go to another world and open an ender chest, the items that you have in an ender chest of another world will not be there. However, when going back to the world you that you had an ender chest with items in, they will still be there. This is not a glitch. Personal Space is a server with different worlds meaning that you cannot put items in an ender chest in one world and take them out in the other. Hopefully this answers your question. Locking topic.

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