Donator Rank

Donator Rank
Post by: Brando69 - March 12th, 2016, 1:44:13 pm

Hi Just Renewed my emerald donator rank and never recived it in game check my bank and money had been took was wondering if anyone could help thanks

Re:Donator Rank
Post by: chumii - March 17th, 2016, 7:35:25 pm

Hello its Melon. So on Thursday I bought the Diamond rank for $20 (The discount for previously having gold) and waited 20 minutes. When i get back on: [u][i]NOTHING![/u][/i] please find a way to fix this money-wasting glitch.

Re:Donator Rank
Post by: patman96 - March 17th, 2016, 9:12:34 pm

[quote=_DiamondMelon_]Hello its Melon. So on Thursday I bought the Diamond rank for $20 (The discount for previously having gold) and waited 20 minutes. When i get back on: [u][i]NOTHING![/u][/i] please find a way to fix this money-wasting glitch.[/quote]
Try waiting a little longer. Brando had the same problem but he got it eventually. Hopefully the glitch will be fixed soon.

Donator Rank
Post by: chumii - March 17th, 2016, 9:32:12 pm

*An hour later* umm... i still haven't got anything diamond related... i dont like getting a box of 'nothing' for $20 unless im in space and it's air. THAT would be usefull

Re:Donator Rank
Post by: Praying4Death - May 1st, 2016, 4:41:20 am

Try reclogging that always works for me <3

Donator Rank
Post by: patman96 - May 1st, 2016, 4:50:03 am

Sterling this topic is over a month old. Your attempt to help is appreciated but please check the date that the most recent post was submitted. If it is over a month, please do not reply as it is considered gravedigging. As I recall, this issue was resolved so I will be locking this topic.


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