Skyblock Problem

Skyblock Problem
Post by: Ferocelion - July 29th, 2015, 2:52:27 pm

Ok so today, 29th of July, I had 2 zombie villagers, right after I made my weakness potion, one of them disappeared, then the other one disappeared during the cure process. I have no idea what happened. Also, when I threw the potion of weakness, it became invisible because I still saw the bubbles, but now I dont see no more bubbles because the effect is over but I throw another potion and nothing happened. Please help me!



Re: Skyblock Problem
Post by: InvalidSession - July 29th, 2015, 2:58:54 pm

Lesson learned: Name your zombie villagers with Name Tags before you do anything to them---Named mobs are persistent!

Re: Skyblock Problem
Post by: Ferocelion - July 29th, 2015, 2:59:23 pm

Oh, thx for telling me that. And does it matter if its in the day or the night?

Re: Skyblock Problem
Post by: InvalidSession - July 29th, 2015, 3:07:32 pm

[quote author=Catou link=topic=4124.msg21665#msg21665 date=1438196363]
Oh, thx for telling me that. And does it matter if its in the day or the night?
No, but zombie villagers will burn if it was exposed into sunlight :P
Also, idk if Zombie Villagers will keep its name once cured :-\.

Re: Skyblock Problem
Post by: Ferocelion - July 29th, 2015, 3:19:26 pm

[quote author=BOOM link=topic=4124.msg21668#msg21668 date=1438196852]
[quote author=Catou link=topic=4124.msg21665#msg21665 date=1438196363]
Oh, thx for telling me that. And does it matter if its in the day or the night?
No, but zombie villagers will burn if it was exposed into sunlight :P
Also, idk if Zombie Villagers will keep its name once cured :-\.

Thx for the help but I still dont understand why the minute that I do my potion the zombie villager disappeared...

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