Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?

Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?
Post by: spookytables - March 6th, 2016, 9:31:45 pm

To Enter Creative, You Have To Be Whitelisted..

EDIT: Thanks Taelie :mrgreen:

Re:Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?
Post by: Eloise_Ashrain - March 6th, 2016, 9:50:41 pm

The whitelist is intentional.
People were able to build on eachothers plots and people were blowing up spawn so an admin whitelisted it so nothing would get destroyed.

Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?
Post by: Blu3J43 - March 8th, 2016, 6:11:13 am

How do we get whitelisted? (I really wanna get on Creative again, though I doubt my plot will be there, I miss it. ;-; wweh)

Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?
Post by: Livetabon - March 10th, 2016, 12:28:50 am

It is on lock down until the problem is fixed no one is allowed in until it is fixed.

Very sorry for the inconvenience!


Have To Be Whitelisted To Enter Creative, Bug Or Glitch Or Real?
Post by: Blu3J43 - March 10th, 2016, 4:39:46 am

Ok.... I still don't enjoy not being able to get on Creative, but I understand why you need to fix it.

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