Donator subscription expired after 9 days

Donator subscription expired after 9 days
Post by: Herbenator - May 1st, 2016, 6:45:51 pm


I purchased a Diamond Donator on Apr 20th and then got messages in-game that it had expired on 4/29. Based on the description in the Store the original purchase should not have needed to be renewed until 30 days had passed. What''s going on?



Re:Donator subscription expired after 9 days
Post by: SiggiJG - May 2nd, 2016, 8:12:37 am

Hello Martin,

On my record, you have a total of two months of Diamond donator, expiring on the 20th of June. Currently there is no in-game notification to remind you of your rank expiring, this may be added in the future though.

Donator subscription expired after 9 days
Post by: Herbenator - May 8th, 2016, 9:37:48 pm

Ok, thanks. Must have misunderstood something else in the game.


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