Some suggestions

Some suggestions
Post by: ThunderHoof - June 3rd, 2014, 6:09:06 pm

1: I would like a warp to a world with no PVP like a just peacefull world where you cant kill anyone.

2; No closing the end portal

3: able to put photos in public chat

4: A friend chat mode (Allows you to chat to friends without public chat mode) command /F Friend [name]

5: Staff should not be allowed to raid

6:Server textures

7: Warp to normal creative mode with no plots and land claiming

8: Warp to nether

9:Warp to all terrain

Re: Some suggestions
Post by: ThunderHoof - July 19th, 2014, 5:46:25 pm

Lock this topic due to the fact that there is NO activity here.

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