Tree felling plugin on Skyblock

Tree felling plugin on Skyblock
Post by: InvalidSession - March 24th, 2016, 12:39:44 am

Hello, I'm rly_gud_player, I have a suggestion about Skyblock. I think there should be a tree felling plugin just like factions so we can cut down the trees faster. If it's too op, it could be made that it only works for diamond axes.

Tree felling plugin on Skyblock
Post by: Kaynstein - April 25th, 2016, 7:37:57 pm

I personally think this would be helpful, I endorse this idea

Re:Tree felling plugin on Skyblock
Post by: slimestein - April 27th, 2016, 10:05:52 pm

Siggi says he will add this if it is enough players demanding it, so start a pol and if enough players vote yes for it it will be on skyblocks

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