Armor Classes - Factions

Armor Classes - Factions
Post by: JuanDong - September 13th, 2015, 3:23:14 pm

Thought of a cool idea if we would wear only unenchanted armor and would give us buffs.

Diamond - Nothing

Iron (Mining Set) - Haste 2 And Night Vision

Gold (Bard Set) - I dont really know what to put here, put your suggestions below

Leather (Archer) - Speed 3 and Resistance 2

Chain - Nothing

Now, if you think it should be changed then go ahead ^-^
NOTE: You would need to wait around 5secs or so for the class to start, also its not that op either the fact that its obvious that Leather would get a decent buff since pretty much whoever has strength 2 + Sharp 3 will insta-kill them.

Re: Armor Classes - Factions
Post by: InvalidSession - September 13th, 2015, 3:42:26 pm

This would be too op in facs, but it fits well in ffapvp.

Re: Armor Classes - Factions
Post by: Edmigo - September 13th, 2015, 5:56:26 pm

I think this would be a really neat addition to add to factions, it would give a use to non enchanted armors. Try to come up with other boosts that they can give so itll be more diverse and useful. Its a good idea :P

Re: Armor Classes - Factions
Post by: Yvetal123 - September 13th, 2015, 6:14:00 pm

I think that diamond should have slowness1 and strength 1

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