
Post by: oneofakid - September 9th, 2015, 4:25:46 pm

So they banned the chests and potions, so they couldnt be abused by hackers, correct? Well, I have realized one thing in common between the hackers. And that is that they are all guests. They dont bother to register or check forums. They just view a minecraft server list, find us, and hack. So my idea is that only members< can use chests and potions. And I know what youre thinking, they might still become a member and THEN they hack. Well, maybe you have to be a member for at least a month before permission to use chests? By then the hacker would have gotten tired and most likely left.
Whats your guys thoughts?

Re: Idea
Post by: SuperNova50 - September 9th, 2015, 4:27:32 pm

add a poll to this and see what others think, that way hopefully they can add this back in

Re: Idea
Post by: vvanqu1sh - September 9th, 2015, 6:19:16 pm

The ideas nice, but it seems quite complicated and I think it would be pretty difficult to add this feature into the server. Otherwise, I support it!

Re: Idea
Post by: oneofakid - September 9th, 2015, 6:22:27 pm

Well the permissions plugin should at least work for the members thing, maybe not the month limit

Re: Idea
Post by: Peppah - September 10th, 2015, 3:46:11 pm

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=4624.msg24365#msg24365 date=1441837156]
The ideas nice, but it seems quite complicated and I think it would be pretty difficult to add this feature into the server. Otherwise, I support it!

I agree with Retro. I like the idea but I dont know how staff might be able to make this possible.

Re: Idea
Post by: oneofakid - September 10th, 2015, 3:56:38 pm

[quote author=Pepper link=topic=4624.msg24402#msg24402 date=1441914371]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=4624.msg24365#msg24365 date=1441837156]
The ideas nice, but it seems quite complicated and I think it would be pretty difficult to add this feature into the server. Otherwise, I support it!

I agree with Retro. I like the idea but I dont know how staff might be able to make this possible.
Well the permissions plugin is what un-allows us to place chests/use pots, so the permissions plugin would be able to make it limited to a certain rank; Member

Re: Idea
Post by: Livetabon - September 11th, 2015, 7:28:58 am

The easier fix is normally to just remove the item that is causing greif. Editing the permission plugin would be a hassle. The idea is very good, but it still doesnt stop members from abusing, its happened before. For example: pray4death was a member, got bored of our server, and griefed it. What if that happens with our members?

Unless we find a way to 100% block the modded client that can create these hacked chests. The item in question will probably remain gone. (unless made in gm0)

Thank you very much for your suggestion though, it truly is a good idea.


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