Gapple Cooldown

Gapple Cooldown
Post by: JuanDong - August 26th, 2015, 6:31:22 pm

for Faction Or maybe ffa, we should have a cooldown so no one chugs gaps, i recommend 5mins or so, so gap pvp would be shorter and my fingers wont have to hurt so bad. also it could be 1hour although that does sound ridiculous i really think it would balance out facs

Mainly Talking to Ster
jk ily Ster

Re: Gapple Cooldown
Post by: StativeSpencer - August 26th, 2015, 6:57:56 pm

Maybe in factions but gapples are an essential part of ffa to make battles longer which in turn makes it funner

Re: Gapple Cooldown
Post by: Oaad - August 27th, 2015, 10:29:58 am

I can see this as a good suggestion for the community due to the fact that gapple pvp require very minimum skills as to pvp with limited resources. With this cooldown people would actually become more weary and cautious about pvp and when to chug down an apple or two. Further more, this allows those who have many, many gapples be vulnerable, rather than just being able to sit there and be immune from any source of damage.

Best Regards,

Re: Gapple Cooldown
Post by: Livetabon - August 28th, 2015, 3:57:01 am

Gapples are very expensive in factions, I believe allowing them to chug whatever they please is completely fine. If they wanna waste gaps they can I am sure.

In ffa its basically creative mode, its a "here become overpowered and see who is better at pvp."

I can see it being implemented in ffa but factions pvp is pretty rare in some cases and even if there was much pvp activity people who work hard for their gaps should not be restricted to use such an item, (costs 30k etc, annoying to make etc)

There isnt many people who can just spam gaps after all.

Re: Gapple Cooldown
Post by: InvalidSession - August 28th, 2015, 1:10:17 pm

5mins is way too long; you can kill a player in less than 10 seconds if they were cornered.
1.9 pvp will be much longer, so gapple cooldown may be useful in the future.

Re: Gapple Cooldown
Post by: JuanDong - August 28th, 2015, 6:50:43 pm

Im just saying I said "Maybe" include it in ffa

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