Ulimited creative world

Ulimited creative world
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - August 20th, 2015, 6:21:08 pm

So I had this idea: Creaitve Factions! (note kinda like factions) so in creative we have this infinite default world (hills caves like the factions world) you can claim ur buildings but ONLY things you built. And infinite so people can build big stuff. You could aslo do /f invite like factions only in creative mode. Only you cant clear ur buildings :(

Re: Ulimited creative world
Post by: JuanDong - August 26th, 2015, 6:20:46 pm

Uhm, This really wouldnt work tbh It would most likely need to make another server for it, also Unlimited Space would make it lag another thing to note is that, Siggi cant afford to make another server. maybe lmao. although i find this a good idea

Re: Ulimited creative world
Post by: TonksMoonwillow - August 27th, 2015, 1:28:22 am

Though this sound really cool, it is not really something that is reasonable, like we would probably have to give up a server which I dont think anyone wants to give up any of our current server, even if you have one you hate/dont play on, people still might come to CubeBuilders for that one server. There is also a reason that there are plots and have a set size, world editing the whole plot in creative now can and has crashed the server before and causes a lot of lag, now imagine how that would work when people had unlimited space, it would be abused and honestly not that fun if this was always happening like it is in creative. Again, it does sound like a really cool awesome and amazing idea, it just would not work with our server right now.

Re: Ulimited creative world
Post by: Oaad - August 27th, 2015, 11:54:12 am

Though Id very much would like to recommend the so fourth of this suggestion, I would likely recommend for you to take into consideration as of what Jessie has stated above. Although this may be a very good idea, it contains many flaws as of stated above. With the problems that were having with creative currently, I dont believe we can with hold another server for cubebuilders in our current state. Once we get our many, many situations fixed then hopefully this suggestion may be viable for our community.

Best Regards,

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