2 Suggestions and a rant! :)

2 Suggestions and a rant! :)
Post by: PsycoKC - August 1st, 2015, 6:13:35 pm

I think that you should either disable "grave digging" or consider making it a longer period until it is considered grave digging. It kind of removes are right to posting on the forums. at least lock the post, or remove it. dont just leave it there to be commented in and then get a warning for grave digging! especially since all it says is "are you sure you want to comment on this topic? it hasnt been posted on for over 7 days. please consider making a new topic" it says nothing about grave digging in there and if you are new to the forums and you post on a bunch of old topics, you will get in trouble without even knowing what you did. This is just a minecraft server forum page. it is nothing special. minecraft is just a game. the forum is just a piece for your server that is apart of the game. to punish people for commenting on an old post is STUPID. and I just know that a staff is going to comment on this post saying "dont get snappy" or "going on rants like this will not do anything" or "Siggi has this for a reason." if you post that he has a "reason" please state the reason. not stating this reason is like telling someone "i just got a really cool game that just came out! Its called.." then walk away. its a cliff hanger. again, this is just a forum page that siggi is probably paying way to much to keep up. I am sorry that this has turned into a rant now, but while I am at it, let me go over one more thing. The server store is WAY over priced. I can just download a FREE mod that lets me get color chat, nametags, pets, ect ect. I am NOT going to pay $80 on a game that I already bought just for ONE server that I can get banned in. I have been banned before, and what happens if I buy an emerald rank and there was a glitch?? I dont even think siggi likes me. I sent him a pm before on the forums and he didnt reply. EVER! but yet when I go in the game, I ask him the same thing about a week later and he responds. So I have stated my reasons. this post now has 2 suggestions and is very long. lets review :) 1. Take off grave digging. 2. lower donating prices. I think it is RIDICULOUS that people pay so much just to get a few extra items on the server. That is my rant of the day :)

Re: 2 Suggestions and a rant! :)
Post by: JuanDong - August 19th, 2015, 7:21:46 pm

Mud, If you think about it Siggi is a busy guy (guessing) lel. Anyways, other servers have MUCH bigger prices than these here
for example on a server I was on the best donor rank costed over $300.

Re: 2 Suggestions and a rant! :)
Post by: Yvetal123 - August 19th, 2015, 7:55:30 pm

Tru I found a server with a 1000 dollar donator rank but the only thing that gets me a bit mad but im ok with it is about the donation thing is that it expires and you have to pay 5 bucks to get it back

Re: 2 Suggestions and a rant! :)
Post by: Akiraff - August 20th, 2015, 10:40:19 am

[quote author=Mud link=topic=4166.msg21905#msg21905 date=1438467215]
I think that you should either disable "grave digging" or consider making it a longer period until it is considered grave digging. It kind of removes are right to posting on the forums. at least lock the post, or remove it. dont just leave it there to be commented in and then get a warning for grave digging! especially since all it says is "are you sure you want to comment on this topic? it hasnt been posted on for over 7 days. please consider making a new topic" it says nothing about grave digging in there and if you are new to the forums and you post on a bunch of old topics, you will get in trouble without even knowing what you did. This is just a minecraft server forum page. it is nothing special. minecraft is just a game. the forum is just a piece for your server that is apart of the game. to punish people for commenting on an old post is STUPID.

I know several forums community which you do get in trouble for grave digging. I will give you a good reason why is bad: because your bumping old topics back to the top, causing the recent ones going bottom of page.

One week and no one EVER replied to the topic, it means is dead; people has a week between to discuss in the thread, in order to bring back active again and resetting the counter.

The reason why we have grave digging as part of our rules is that people simply, will go in a random topic and comment, "POTATO". And thats it. Unless if you have a very GOOD and CONSTRUCTIVE comment to make in a thread, staffs will reconsider it. But nearly all POSTS that I have seen so far, they are considered spam and the thread is worth being locked.

Our main goal in forums is to ensure that people are discussing about PRESENT and not PAST. As youll mentioned earlier, why we simply dont lock the old threads? Because barely ANYBODY goes back in the old threads. You can simply go CREATE A NEW THREAD, and thereby you wont be breaking any rules whatsoever.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: 2 Suggestions and a rant! :)
Post by: SuperNova50 - August 20th, 2015, 12:43:43 pm

get owned
8) 8) 8) 8) akira ftw

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