Repair hand in Skyblock

Repair hand in Skyblock
Post by: InvalidSession - July 25th, 2015, 5:40:07 pm

The title says it, please add Repair Hand in Skyblock. ::)

Re: Repair hand in Skyblock
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - July 25th, 2015, 7:36:37 pm

I know the title says what you request but it does not explain what Repair Hand exactly does. This may seem as a stupid question but believe it or not, there are people who will not know what it does, myself included. Try to explain it please.

Re: Repair hand in Skyblock
Post by: InvalidSession - July 26th, 2015, 11:19:07 am

[quote author=GameDudePc_TR link=topic=4066.msg21350#msg21350 date=1437867397]
I know the title says what you request but it does not explain what Repair Hand exactly does. This may seem as a stupid question but believe it or not, there are people who will not know what it does, myself included. Try to explain it please.
There is no such thing called "Stupid Question" in CubeBuilders, at first i didnt know what Repair Hand does either.
Repair hand is written on a sign. When you click it while holding a damaged item, you pay some money to repair the item youre holding. Repair hand is already in factions.

Re: Repair hand in Skyblock
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - July 26th, 2015, 1:02:33 pm

Thanks for the explanation :)

Re: Repair hand in Skyblock
Post by: TonksMoonwillow - July 26th, 2015, 2:00:42 pm

[quote author=BOOM link=topic=4066.msg21410#msg21410 date=1437923947]
[quote author=GameDudePc_TR link=topic=4066.msg21350#msg21350 date=1437867397]
I know the title says what you request but it does not explain what Repair Hand exactly does. This may seem as a stupid question but believe it or not, there are people who will not know what it does, myself included. Try to explain it please.
There is no such thing called "Stupid Question" in CubeBuilders, at first i didnt know what Repair Hand does either.
Repair hand is written on a sign. When you click it while holding a damaged item, you pay some money to repair the item youre holding. Repair hand is already in factions.

that actually sounds like a cool idea now that you explained what it is :)

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