Bring back time portals please

Bring back time portals please
Post by: StativeSpencer - June 27th, 2015, 1:03:51 pm

Anyone who played cubebuilders since before 1.8 remembers the time portals I say think they should still be here.

Do you agree with me if not dont post unless its a reason why there not on the server anymore.

Re: Bring back time portals please
Post by: BradmasterX - June 27th, 2015, 1:14:29 pm

Make a poll please!

Re: Bring back time portals please
Post by: Solurnis - June 27th, 2015, 3:02:57 pm

Uhh I totes forgot what the time portals are/were but if you mean the older spawns, I think you can go to hub and do /spawn 2 or something

Re: Bring back time portals please
Post by: Peppah - June 28th, 2015, 9:04:27 am

What are they...?

Re: Bring back time portals please
Post by: Livetabon - June 28th, 2015, 10:09:32 am

[quote author=Mr. Snippy link=topic=3473.msg16969#msg16969 date=1435431777]
Uhh I totes forgot what the time portals are/were but if you mean the older spawns, I think you can go to hub and do /spawn 2 or something

The /warp command in hub will bring you to a list of all older spawns. Some do not work however because either that lobby/hub was destroyed, corrupted or ceased to exist.

/warp spawn1 is one of these many commands for example.

Re: Bring back time portals please
Post by: StativeSpencer - June 28th, 2015, 3:28:03 pm

Oh thanks for clearing that up.

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