A Little Boring...

A Little Boring...
Post by: EmsMyEms - June 22nd, 2015, 9:20:32 pm

In my OPINION, CubeBuilders is starting to get a little boring. Every day I log on and its the same old thing. Why not add new things? Add more excitment to the server! If you add new things, it may attract more players. We still have lots of new players. But Im sure they dont want to come on almost every server and see skyblock, creative, and factions. Add something unique to the server. Go around and ask players, "What could add to make CubeBuilders unique?" I suggest that you add survival again, or dropper map! The list of what we can do is endless! Unless your one of those people who think Im a little kid trying to make everything perfect because I dont know that nobodys perfect.

Re: A Little Boring...
Post by: Karow - June 23rd, 2015, 7:11:46 pm

Why dont you become a Skyblocks Beta Tester and help us test bugs?

You could be doing the server a huge favor by doing that! That is our current priority, but we have indeed asked for the plublic opinion, and have decided to add a new minigame. I do not recall the specifics, but the server is going to start picking up speed in terms of new features.

Heres some gossip:

In our new skyblocks plugin, we are going to be adding EXTRA things to it, including an ORE GENERATOR.

Dont know what that is? Look it up!

(Hint... it has something to do with a cobblestone generator... that will generate MORE things than just cobblestone... such as diamonds and emeralds!)


Re: A Little Boring...
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 23rd, 2015, 7:52:24 pm

Can you add the ore generator to factions? i probably should of put it with my suggestions though

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