Why say you ?

Why say you ?
Post by: SkyrunPvP - June 20th, 2015, 6:11:32 am

What do you guys think about buying book in the shop eg: Prot4 books etc instead of enchanting ?

Again you all have an opinion just say what you think !

Re: Why say you ?
Post by: Karow - June 23rd, 2015, 7:05:41 pm

If you can just buy your way into winning/having op gear then its not worth playing at all. The reason we do not have that many things in the shop is just based on that fact alone. We need you guys to actually play, to go mine diamonds, to raid, to sell the loot, to gather your own materials, to build a better base, and so on and so fourth.

If we add shortcuts to the game, whats to say a wealthy faction overtake everything because of the amount of money they have? Instead we need to level the playing field, and allow both new players and old players to have an equal chance when it comes to things like these.

We dont need shortcuts! We need to play factions legit to have an actual challenge! ;D

Re: Why say you ?
Post by: SkyrunPvP - June 24th, 2015, 2:27:55 am

Thanks for the opinion Karow :D

Re: Why say you ?
Post by: Livetabon - June 24th, 2015, 10:31:17 pm

Even though Ive already posted here before Ill post again since someone is deleting my posts >->

As Karen stated (and as I previously stated) buying to win isnt very fair at all. I can see the implementation of pve books like depth strider or even feather falling being interesting to be added into the shop.

but as far as PVP enchantments no, I cannot see that happening.


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