One mod

One mod
Post by: Jagisaboy - June 4th, 2015, 5:16:37 pm

I really like mcmmo well i sure u have but it hasent been put into this server and i really lkove it it give u alo of coll thing to work with and mabey u can make a server wiht skyblock mcmmo if pople like it they can go to the reglure no mod skyblock/faction


Re: One mod
Post by: Livetabon - June 6th, 2015, 7:19:50 am

The problem with this mod is the fact a no lifer at the game (who plays 40+ hours a week) could potentially become better than everyone else due to his skills leveling up. It would be based on time not skill at all.

Re: One mod
Post by: Jagisaboy - June 7th, 2015, 6:52:28 pm

akaima okey but why cant u vreat a plugin that make it hard to get lvl us th more time u play since i love this mod

the no speller

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