Skyblock Update

Skyblock Update
Post by: Rememorable - July 14th, 2016, 1:29:16 pm

Skyblock (Specifically the shop) has not had an update in some time. Because of this, several blocks are not obtainable. I wish to be able to build a chorus fruit farm. I also want end bricks and other blocks for aesthetic reasons. I heard rumors a while back that a new shop was being made and I waited patiently for it (several months). Skyblock is by far my favorite mode in Minecraft. Cubebuilders is the only server that I found that has skyblock without a ton of anoying hud elements that I couldn't care less about. So switching servers is not an option for me. I really like this server, but please give skyblock a little love.

Also, I would really enjoy it if Eletra were added to the shop. A large price like 100K would be fine. It would give owners of large islands something cool to show off and it would encourage other players to expand their islands to earn enough to buy Eletra.

If not having a good shop made is the issue that has kept one from coming out, I would be willing to make one.

Re:Skyblock Update
Post by: 948 - July 14th, 2016, 7:27:52 pm

I do agree. i think skyblock needs some updates, and i also think that the elytras should be added, and maybe the nether could be added?? it would be cool if the nether was added.

Re:Skyblock Update
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - July 15th, 2016, 6:27:15 pm

bruh 100k for a elytra? dats just fricked up bro

Re:Skyblock Update
Post by: InvalidSession - July 16th, 2016, 1:35:03 am

Agreed, and Nether definitely should be added.

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