New type of system

New type of system
Post by: Roger__Smith - April 12th, 2015, 3:23:43 pm

This is a recommendation, not a request. When it comes to Ban Appeals, I think we should let the community decide whether the person should stay banned or not. One person would not want them one while five others do want them on. This is how itll work: To say Yes for them to be unbanned say I approve. To say no for them to be unbanned say I deny. After about 20 posts of Yes and No find the mean of denies and approves. If the number is bigger for deny, they shall be banned! If the number is bigger for approve, they shall be unbanned! This is just a suggestion and I am not trying to change the rules. Thank you ;D

Re: New type of system
Post by: slimestein - April 12th, 2015, 3:32:32 pm

This would be able to happen:
Player 1 addvertises.
player1 gets banned
player ones 10 friends vote for him to get unbanned.
Player on gets unbanned
Player one addvertises again.

Re: New type of system
Post by: Roger__Smith - April 12th, 2015, 3:34:59 pm

Good point but if they do it another time theyre banned forever and their appeal wont count

Re: New type of system
Post by: krward - April 12th, 2015, 3:42:48 pm

Jet i have a question. . . . . . Where did this idea come from because well. . . . im nosy hehe^^

Re: New type of system
Post by: Livetabon - April 16th, 2015, 2:32:12 pm

Unfortunately, this system would be abused by people who can really do harm to the server.

For example a new player can seem very nice, but then slowly hack into the server. If we ban them we are saving the server from being compromised. If the playerbase likes them however they have the power to put the server in severe peril yet again.

Its a few bad apples that ruins this for everyone, which is why mods+ deal with offence appeals. We try to be as fair as possible.


Re: New type of system
Post by: Akiraff - April 16th, 2015, 2:49:34 pm


However I would agree with Livetabon. This system is far absurd and has a lot of loopholes. We make our rules far clear enough and restrict.

The system currently we have is similar to yours. The higher staff team (+Admin) makes their final words if the person is banned or not. The system ensures who is gilty and who is not.

Finally our justification has no biased at all, and I am going to be locking this thread as no further discussion is required.

CubeBuilders Administrator

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