A modded server???

A modded server???
Post by: Magicov - April 9th, 2015, 6:09:18 am

Hello der, I think a separate modded server would attract a lot more people, cause people love mods. idk what you have to do to just host one server, but if its possible to host 2, I think like a flans gun mod or FTB would be pretty cool. just a suggestion!


Re: A modded server???
Post by: Akiraff - April 9th, 2015, 6:25:09 am

[quote author=_MagicDog_ link=topic=2593.msg11650#msg11650 date=1428574158]
Hello der, I think a separate modded server would attract a lot more people, cause people love mods. idk what you have to do to just host one server, but if its possible to host 2, I think like a flans gun mod or FTB would be pretty cool. just a suggestion!

I dont think a separate server dedicated towards mods are great idea. They are not beneficial and also they tend to have bugs, which players can find to abuse it. I believe sticking with Bukkit (Spigot), is the best way to go.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: A modded server???
Post by: GameDudePc_TR - April 9th, 2015, 12:21:02 pm

I agree with Akiraff. Besides, I believe there are more people playing regular minecraft over than modded minecraft.

Re: A modded server???
Post by: AzzaOwns - April 19th, 2015, 6:13:16 am

i recon a good gun game in mini games other then quake would be cool

Re: A modded server???
Post by: Livetabon - April 19th, 2015, 9:26:34 am

[quote author=AzzaOwns link=topic=2593.msg12725#msg12725 date=1429438396]
i recon a good gun game in mini games other then quake would be cool

If you come up with an idea please create a new forum topic in suggestions please.

I am locking this one due to relevancy.

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