Make a factions board

Make a factions board
Post by: oneofakid - April 3rd, 2015, 11:23:21 am

Make a board for factions! We already have a skyblocks boar:! Why not make a factions one?

Re: Make a factions board
Post by: Livetabon - April 3rd, 2015, 12:29:25 pm

It could be interesting to have something like this in a new factions spawn, I am drawing a bunch of ideas as we speak actually I already have ideas for:

1. Creative
2. Minigames
3. ffapvp

Of course only rough drafts, once I finalize the drafts I might actually start building, but a rule board could be nice for newer players!


Re: Make a factions board
Post by: oneofakid - April 3rd, 2015, 12:56:42 pm

huh? What I meant was a new factions board on the forums! (Like category) xD
But yeah, now that you mention it, thats not a bad idea.

Re: Make a factions board
Post by: KeepingItCrafted - April 3rd, 2015, 1:36:06 pm

Thats a great idea, I personally am always wanting to talk about factions but it always has to go in other categories. Thank you for the suggestion, I hope we can convince higher ranked staff to impliment this idea.
Your Friend,

Re: Make a factions board
Post by: vvanqu1sh - April 3rd, 2015, 4:48:52 pm

Thats a good suggestion, we have one for Skyblock, why not one for Factions? Also we might want one for Creative.

Re: Make a factions board
Post by: Livetabon - April 4th, 2015, 3:08:37 am

ahh I see a forum board and not an actual board xD

Yeah that would be cool, we have a skyblocks one so why not factions?

That sounds like a good idea, perhaps we will make one. :)


Re: Make a factions board
Post by: Akiraff - April 4th, 2015, 4:07:46 pm

I have created a new board dedicated towards the faction. This week, Ill start organizing the forums.

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