Helper in Training

Helper in Training
Post by: EmsMyEms - March 21st, 2015, 1:51:58 pm

Many players on CubeBuilders want to be staff members. But, at least 75% of them are under age. So I think there should be a staff rank for kids 9-12. A Helper in Trainig. Basically, Helpers in Training get to mute for only he max of a day. They wont get the same amount of power as a normal helper. When a Helper in Trainig has proved themself of being responsible for being an actual staff member, they will be promoted if they want. If you have anything to add to this, tell me! Thanks!

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 21st, 2015, 5:46:07 pm

Like Boss said, the watcher rank is already very limited. But remember, even if you are not watcher, there are many ways you can help the server by reporting abuse, donating, and showing new users around. After that the staff may actually consider giving you a higher rank!

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: dtown2002 - March 21st, 2015, 5:50:17 pm

Im basicly the reporter on cubebuilders!!! I like watching all the server (mostly minigames and factions) and reporting people!!! But sometimes I make some roumers so dont trust me 100%. Trust me 99.999999999111999999123434343000009999999992999929394992129%. Bye

Your Friend,

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: EmsMyEms - March 21st, 2015, 8:39:26 pm

Well under age kids want to be staff. I mean, people want to help MORE!

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 21st, 2015, 9:11:53 pm

Like I said before, you dont need to be staff to help

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: BradmasterX - March 22nd, 2015, 12:18:22 am

But mods and admins have age requirements. So you have to wait like 5 years after you turn 14 to become an admin/mod, why dose there need to be an age requirement for admin/mod? And what if someone proves theyre worth more in those 5 years to become a higher rank?

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: oneofakid - March 22nd, 2015, 12:25:34 am

You can help out if you are underage. Im underage. I help out new people. So if someone asks how to do something, tell them how to do so, or if they need help building, help them build it. They will look up to you. Staff are basically only here to help keep the server flowing by punishing the rule breakers and helping the new players. There is a thing staff can do that you can do too. Help out.

Basically there is a staff rank for underage kids. Anyone can have it, its free. No application, no need for even a member rank. This type of staff can help with, well, just, just helping.

Re: Helper in Training
Post by: Livetabon - March 22nd, 2015, 2:12:25 am

The age limit is not being lowered or removed. I am locking this topic, there is no need to argue about this any longer.

~Liv :D

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