
Post by: OrzaRound - June 11th, 2016, 4:16:46 pm

I got an idea. What if there were vaults. BUT, it's really expensive, like 250k or 500k and it allows you to store 9 stacks of items and everybody only has one. The purpose is to store stuff to keep things during resets and can't be raided by others. Just a suggestion.

Post by: DaCoolCreeper - June 11th, 2016, 5:44:02 pm

What do you think having ore packs and putting them in e-chests?

Post by: chumii - June 14th, 2016, 4:25:54 pm

[quote=LegendCraft888]I got an idea. What if there were vaults. BUT, it's really expensive, like 250k or 500k and it allows you to store 9 stacks of items and everybody only has one. The purpose is to store stuff to keep things during resets and can't be raided by others. Just a suggestion.[/quote]

I'm not very sure this would make the new factions fair. Seeing as you could keep items from the old factions, people will bring diamond tools, armor, and all that stuff from this factions, ruining the point of starting over. Plus, ore packs are way cheaper to get (Surround a normal chest with desired ore excluding redstone, lapis and coal) and can hold more items (Except for iron).I do not think these "Vaults" will be much help in the end.

Post by: 948 - June 16th, 2016, 4:48:19 pm

I think it will also be a bad idea because, people could bring OP stuff that is hard to get and then the whole factions reset server will be unbalanced. Then it would be unfair to the people who cant afford a vault, because then they have to start from scratch while there is people with full sets of enchanted diamond armor, and golden apples. So if there where vaults its kind of like saying these factions/people are going to be the richest and these factions/people are not, and that's not fun for the people who didn't have vaults. That's my opinion.


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