Minigames Suggestions

Minigames Suggestions
Post by: ActualDia - February 4th, 2015, 9:32:51 pm

I know I have had a lot of suggestions but I think these might make a change. ;) Suggestion #1 Ok I think there should be a mini game called "Runner" The point of the game is you are running on different colors of stained clay. You run until you eventually fall, as you run the stained clay goes from whatever color it is to red stained clay. It will go to the top 3. 3rd place get 8 CT, 2nd gets 15 CT and 1st gets 20 CT! Suggestion #2 This game is called "Deathrun" The point of this game is you run to the end of an obstacle course, and there will be 2 people who control the traps! You go from snail to turtle to rabbit to cheetah! Its the speed that changes this! Again top 3. 3rd 2nd and 1st get the same amount of CT and "Runner"!

Thank you for reading!!!!!!

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: Akiraff - February 4th, 2015, 9:48:32 pm

Hi great suggestion that you got there DIamondGirl2706. However do you think that your first suggestion is similar to color shuffle? Where colors are being randomly chosen, in order to run the correct color or else you will fall down.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: KissMeImIrish - February 5th, 2015, 8:24:39 am

Akiraff, there is a difference.

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: dtown2002 - February 5th, 2015, 10:16:28 am

I think all of those are great!!! I also have a suggestion for ffapvp. There should be no teams on ffapvp. bc its free for all!!!!

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: Akiraff - February 5th, 2015, 5:11:04 pm

[quote author=Willbob2003 link=topic=1809.msg6906#msg6906 date=1423142679]
Akiraff, there is a difference.
Could you elaborate?

[quote author=dtown2002 link=topic=1809.msg6907#msg6907 date=1423149388]
I think all of those are great!!! I also have a suggestion for ffapvp. There should be no teams on ffapvp. bc its free for all!!!!

It is up to you if you want to team or not. There is no rule that is disallowing players to team up, biggest misconception from community.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: KissMeImIrish - February 5th, 2015, 5:34:57 pm

OK, Ill explain it Akiraff:

Color Shuffle: The game tells you what color to run onto so you dont fall into the void. Last man standing is still gonna play till he dies.

Runner: People are running on a multi-level arena where if you run over a block it turns red then disappears, soon all but one fall into the void. The last man standing wins and the game is over.

Tell me if you have questions Akriaff.

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: ActualDia - February 5th, 2015, 5:55:22 pm

Yes, Will is right. Runner you run unless you fall or stand still because if you stand still the block will turn red. Colors arent chosen. You just run until you fall.

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: slimestein - February 6th, 2015, 1:53:23 am

It is like a parkour where you need to run all the time, imagine a bear bahind you exactly the same speed as you if you stop for a sec you will die

Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: KissMeImIrish - February 6th, 2015, 5:17:37 pm

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=1809.msg6961#msg6961 date=1423205603]
It is like a parkour where you need to run all the time, imagine a bear bahind you exactly the same speed as you if you stop for a sec you will die



Re: Minigames Suggestions
Post by: slimestein - February 7th, 2015, 5:15:57 am

[quote author=Willbob2003 link=topic=1809.msg6980#msg6980 date=1423261057]
[quote author=slimestein link=topic=1809.msg6961#msg6961 date=1423205603]
It is like a parkour where you need to run all the time, imagine a bear bahind you exactly the same speed as you if you stop for a sec you will die



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