A PvP cubetoken reward

A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: MystrikMC - November 21st, 2014, 7:26:14 pm

I belive we shold get cubetokens when we kill a player in pvp. We dont like to work hard to kill for no tokens or reward in return! I really want a certain amount of tokens per kill you choose.


Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: MystrikMC - December 3rd, 2014, 7:56:01 am

[move]PLZ ADD THIS![/move]

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: slimestein - December 3rd, 2014, 12:54:33 pm

What stops me from just killing a friend in war zone? He wount lose any power as it is in war zone and i will gain cubetokens....

If you killl me /witch is unlikley) then youll get my stuff isnt that enough?

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: Oaad - December 3rd, 2014, 10:25:18 pm

I see that this may benefit the players for their raiding and pvp purposes but there is a flaw to your reference. Many people have friends playing on this server so it is possible that they may abuse this possible feature and keep farming the cube tokens which may harm the community as well as the cubetoken economy. If youre interested in acquiring cube tokens, please consider voting which none of the less limits a person to the amount of cube tokens they can earn over a certain period of time. (800 cube tokens per day basically)

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: Akiraff - December 4th, 2014, 11:49:19 am

I vote NO due to xNoobNinja reasoning: ruins the CubeToken economy and also several players are going to be abusing this feature.

CubeBuilders Administrator

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: MystrikMC - December 29th, 2014, 9:37:29 pm

good point

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 10th, 2015, 10:04:58 pm

Great idea! I would like to build on this suggestion. Since players may abuse this feature, we should make it so if you kill a person and get a reward, you will only get another reward for killing that same person at least 5 minutes later.

example: Retro kills Slime 5:00PM - gets reward. Retro kills Slime 5:02PM - no reward. Retro kills Slime 5:05PM - gets reward.

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: slimestein - March 13th, 2015, 5:10:01 pm

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=1337.msg8933#msg8933 date=1426039498]
Great idea! I would like to build on this suggestion. Since players may abuse this feature, we should make it so if you kill a person and get a reward, you will only get another reward for killing that same person at least 10 minutes later.

example: Retro kills Slime 5:00PM - gets reward. Retro kills Slime 5:02PM - no reward. Retro kills Slime 5:05PM - gets reward.
Good luck killing me:)

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: vvanqu1sh - March 13th, 2015, 5:17:36 pm

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=1337.msg9041#msg9041 date=1426281001]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=1337.msg8933#msg8933 date=1426039498]
Great idea! I would like to build on this suggestion. Since players may abuse this feature, we should make it so if you kill a person and get a reward, you will only get another reward for killing that same person at least 10 minutes later.

example: Retro kills Slime 5:00PM - gets reward. Retro kills Slime 5:02PM - no reward. Retro kills Slime 5:05PM - gets reward.
Good luck killing me:)
[/quote]It was just an example Slime, just an example :)

Re: A PvP cubetoken reward
Post by: Hoemies - March 13th, 2015, 5:25:14 pm

I agree with DaRetroGamer. But, there are some negatives. If this was added, people will be killing eachother a lot. So it might spam chat. I suggest that you change 5 minutes into 15 - 30 minutes to reduce death message spamming.

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