Parkour: Spawning at the beginning

Parkour: Spawning at the beginning
Post by: Kaynstein - April 25th, 2016, 7:55:01 pm

Hey guys,

Just a minor thing for the parkour minigame: Would it be possible to spawn the player in front of the course?

It might sound like nitpicking but I think it allows for a more fluid gameplay without having to open the chat every time you die.

You might also want to remove the constant wait to finally die when falling into the void.
This might be achieved through a big multiverse-plugin (which i think you use) portal at the bottom of the parkour map.
The velocity that has been gained from falling could be absorbed through a little water puddle at the beginning of the course.

I like the server and stuff like parkour are neat little things that attribute a wonderful finish to the whole package.
It's just the small thing that throw me off sometimes.


Re:Parkour: Spawning at the beginning
Post by: slimestein - April 27th, 2016, 10:06:41 pm

Siggi says this can be done when the parkour is rebuilt

Re:Parkour: Spawning at the beginning
Post by: OrzaRound - June 5th, 2016, 5:56:07 pm

[quote=slimestein]Siggi says this can be done when the parkour is rebuilt[/quote]
Can anyone make a new parkour and send it in or something?

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