Market Plugin - Suggestion!

Market Plugin - Suggestion!
Post by: zLemonProz - July 11th, 2014, 12:05:28 pm

Hey CubeBuilders,

I would like to make a plugin suggestion to add to CubeBuilders game server. I recently joined a completely random new survival server and noticed they used a plugin called GlobalMarket. I stayed on this server for around 20 minutes and I was learning about this plugin I had just found out about. The plugin allowed any player to put items up on the market which can be viewed by typing, /market listings. You can also purchase items from the market using your in game money. You need to type /market listings and it opens a chest type GUI with all the items players add to it. You can then click it and then click again to verify you want the item to buy it. It then removes it from the market and several seconds later you receive what is called mail. You need to type /market mail to collect your items. For example this simulates a package being delivered to you. When you add items to the market there is a very small fee to add it depending on the item. Whilst I was on that server I decided to add 2 spruce saplings to the market, which costs $0.5 to add it.

This plugin can be found here:

I hope you can consider this plugin and look further into it.

Kind regards,

Re: Market Plugin - Suggestion!
Post by: blackberry7777 - July 11th, 2014, 2:18:21 pm

This sounds like a really good plugin just because of the fact that its in game buying/selling with players! It would make the trade section of the forums useless though. Anyways I think its a good idea and is definitely worth looking into ;D

Re: Market Plugin - Suggestion!
Post by: Blackillz - July 12th, 2014, 12:19:34 am

I agree. This sounds like a perfect trading plugin!!!!! ;) ;D :D

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