FairyMotofeet new application.

Re: FairyMotofeet new application.
Post by: NekoTiffy - May 31st, 2015, 10:45:18 am

Username: identSTtify (call me Tiffany or Tify for short)
Age: 14
How old are you: 14 and 4 months
Why should be trust you: because im good at multiple things such as; building, redstone, crafting, brewing, sometimes understanding things, using a bow, and sometimes a sword. i cant grief this fraction because karma doesnt go that way.
Why you wont raid: theres no reason for that i will raid and i can.
Factions you were in: i was going to be in 2 but i wasnt assigned to the fraction so im in none.
Why you left all those factions: i wasnt assigned/approved to those fractions

i added one thing:
Do you have skype? yes

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