Vindictus Recruits!

Vindictus Recruits!
Post by: Praying4Death - May 14th, 2015, 6:25:42 pm

HEY GUYS! Vindictus is thinking about new members! *VERY Hard Fac To Get Into* so take this offer while it lasts! :D

1.DO you have Skype?
2.What other Factions have you ben in?
3. Are you Trusting?
4.Can you Fight well?
5. DO you use common thinking before you do something?
6.Do you own a set of diamond amour?
7. what do you think about Vindictus as a fac in your community

Re: Vindictus Recruits!
Post by: OrzaRound - May 18th, 2015, 7:53:13 pm

1.DO you have Skype? Yes but I am only allowed with parents
2.What other Factions have you ben in? TheLegendRaiders, MC8Legends (Both the same) and Insurgent
3. Are you Trusting? Definitely!
4.Can you Fight well? Yes
5. DO you use common thinking before you do something? Yes
6.Do you own a set of diamond amour? Yep!
7. what do you think about Vindictus as a fac in your community. I think it is strong and powerful and is a common enemy to all but a great and strong army!

Re: Vindictus Recruits!
Post by: BradmasterX - May 21st, 2015, 10:54:26 pm

1.DO you have Skype? Yes but I cant use it!
2.What other Factions have you ben in? TheCaveMen thenewcavemen (another faction) and now Elements
3. Are you Trusting? Yes, I am trusting, I will uphold your laws and etc.
4.Can you Fight well? Yes, when I have appropriate armor.
5. DO you use common thinking before you do something? Yes, of coarse.
6.Do you own a set of diamond amour? I hold 8 diamonds and diamond tools, but no diamond armor.
7. what do you think about Vindictus as a fac in your community. Sorry but I havent really had an opinion about it.

OTHER: I have a perfect spot for a base!!! And I got an area of trees that know one has cut down, yet...

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