Hello and Welcome

Hello and Welcome
Post by: chaptermaster118 - February 24th, 2015, 10:55:17 pm

My name is Chaptermaster118 or more formally President Chapter.

I am here to inform you of a new faction one that will capture your interest. One that will open your imagination. In this new faction there will be twelve districts. Here is a list of what Districts there will be.

    If you want to join fill out this application!! (copy and paste then fill were needed)

    1. My In Game Name is _________

    2. I have been in a faction before [ ] (put a x in there if yes leave it blank if no)

    3. The factions I have been in are ______

    4. How often are you on Cubebuilders? ______

    5. Do you have any offense history? [ ] (This may or may not affect the application depending on the offenses)

    6. I am __ years old.

    7. I am a _____ rank. (If none put Cubebuilders member or Cubebuilders guest)

    8. If aloud to pick a District which district and why? ______

    9. Do you like CubeBuilders? [ ]

    10. Are you willing to give your head for the faction? [ ]

    11. How often do you die in-game? ______

    12. Finally. Why should I pick you as a faction member? _______

    Your application will be read in 36 hours if not then pm chaptermaster118 and ask him to review it.

    GOOD LUCK!! May The Odds Be Ever In YOUR favor

    (limited spots available)
    Re: Hello and Welcome
    Post by: Solurnis - February 25th, 2015, 6:54:07 pm

    Just like to ask, what is the faction name?

    Re: Hello and Welcome
    Post by: chaptermaster118 - February 26th, 2015, 8:04:38 am

    [quote author=Rat link=topic=1964.msg7995#msg7995 date=1424908447]
    Just like to ask, what is the faction name?

    It is going to be Panem

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