
Post by: ThunderHoof - June 15th, 2014, 3:43:00 pm

I would like to ask a favor to the staff

1; Staff members Bigboss8498,Pray4death,Chipsquared,and Webmant are in a faction that only kills people

That would be abusive staff

Staff shoud not be allowed to harm other players, This is so anoying so please anyone who sees this stop them!

Re: Staff
Post by: Pray4Death - June 15th, 2014, 9:29:29 pm

its not staff abuse if we get everything ourselves without cheating. every person you listed worked hard for the items theyve obtained like last week i just had 70hours on cubebuilders because i work hard to get what i want

Re: Staff
Post by: BrowtherHoodz - June 16th, 2014, 3:24:07 am

I agree with BigBoss, its not staff abuse because we were all like anyone else, and outer haven was created before some of outers members applied like pray4death! Yet, outer havens still got members who arent apart of the staff member! Thanks for understanding :)

Re: Staff
Post by: ThunderHoof - June 16th, 2014, 7:42:14 am

I understand this now but please use your powers wisely. And someone please lock this topic.-

Re: Staff
Post by: chipsquared - June 16th, 2014, 9:19:19 am

Saturn take this as an opportunity toward something to work for or to beat. Although we may be powerful in a faction, we hope one day someone comes along to overthrow us. Although it may seem like power abuse, you need to realize we have all spent more than 10 days each of on time on this server. If however you still believe there is staff abuse make sure to screenshot it or capture it on video for proof and post in on the forums for myself or other non-biased staff members to take a look through it.

Also part of the reason OuterHaven has so many staff is just due to we were close before we got staff, but when we all were promoted it just brought all of us even closer together. Members like cookie_tiff and Webmant were all in other factions until we all began speaking through staff chat. Its not uncommon to see a strong staff faction on any server and generally gives people a fun target to have when there is one.

As requested Im locking this topic. I hope to see you on the server!

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