So, why is the server so dead ?

So, why is the server so dead ?
Post by: _D0S_ - July 3rd, 2021, 8:30:46 am
Last edit: July 3rd, 2021, 8:31:05 am

The question is simple, how can the superservercalledcubebuilders be so dead ? And what do you think Siggi should add to make it more popular ?
Post your answers !

(If you don't remember, there was 500 people per day in the "good ol'' times)

Re: So, why is the server so dead ?
Post by: DaCoolCreeper - August 21st, 2021, 11:49:02 am

if i see one more post about the "golden time" i will combust
the server is not dead, there's still at least 50 people who actively play it, maybe not all at once but it can sometimes get up to 12 people online. a lot of people play factions so when siggi finally decides to reset it the server will get swaths of players, i remember there was once 22 players on factions alone

Re: So, why is the server so dead ?
Post by: _D0S_ - August 21st, 2021, 4:07:24 pm

I mean, yes, the server still have players (including me =P) but compaired to march 2020 for example it's really dead.

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