Update stuff wutever

Update stuff wutever
Post by: Kereo - January 25th, 2016, 11:42:33 pm

I Will likely never become staff.
Why? I dont fit all of the requirements DX
1 post daily: nope XD
im 10, thx age limit
and other stuff, idk if they effect my resume, but i have a wonderous record XD
so yeah, my dreams of being watcher are little memories now.
BUT, I will also never leave cb! ^-^ (unless it isnt my descision)
I am super happy with cb, its my favorite server, and it was my first.
ive also been on cb for a verry long time
(Preveous names: Kered0luck, Halo3rockstar, Cubebuilder, actualcube,Pax_moderator<--Current)
I have alot of freinds on cb, and im hoping to make new ones!
If you haveant met me, im on just about daily (Pax_Moderator)

Re: Update stuff wutever
Post by: Ferocelion - January 27th, 2016, 4:01:36 pm

I wont become staff either because my patience is so bad. I can be annoyed easily. Did I just say that out loud? I actually do fit all the requirements except the fact that I dont have an interesting story for like my autobiography and extra stuff, theyre so boring. Its literally just playing on my computer and going to school. No clubs, no sports, no jobs yet. Im boring.


Re: Update stuff wutever
Post by: flagrocker - January 27th, 2016, 10:12:20 pm

[quote author=Ferocelion link=topic=5382.msg28722#msg28722 date=1453928496]
I wont become staff either because my patience is so bad. I can be annoyed easily. Did I just say that out loud? I actually do fit all the requirements except the fact that I dont have an interesting story for like my autobiography and extra stuff, theyre so boring. Its literally just playing on my computer and going to school. No clubs, no sports, no jobs yet. Im boring.

lol im waiting on my appeal and i am barely patient xD

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