MarioMaster38's "The Taken King" event!

MarioMaster38's "The Taken King" event!
Post by: Tru3ShotXLV - September 19th, 2015, 9:36:31 am

I have started an event here on CubeBuilders called "The Taken King"! This event is to honor Destinys third, latest, and greatest expansion pack, The Taken King. The event will be hosted whenever I am on FFA PvP. Here are the rules. (If you want to participate, let me know!)

-Participants will use special weapons that somewhat reference to Destiny and fight for glory with other participants.
-When you sign up, choose any color of wool, enchant it (using the anvils) with Fortune 1, and then carry it with you as you fight. This will be your Ghost.
-IF I find ANYONE participating but NOT using the weapons for the event, I WILL take them off the list! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
-Lastly, no hacking, and as always, have fun! ;D

MarioMaster38's "The Taken King" event!: Update to rules!
Post by: Tru3ShotXLV - September 19th, 2015, 10:17:57 am

I have decided to allow ANY armor to be used in the event!

Cheers! ;D

MarioMaster38's "The Taken King" event! Another Rule update!
Post by: Tru3ShotXLV - September 20th, 2015, 10:25:10 am

I have decided to allow a few more things during the event:

-You may use ANY sword or bow, as long as the sword is named Arc Blade and the bow is named Nightstalker.
-Potions are now allowed during the event!

As for specific names of gear, if you want your own to be used:

-Sword is named Arc Blade
-Bow is named Nightstalker
-Golden Apples (if you care about naming them) are named Shard of Light
-Ender Pearls (again, if you care about naming them) are named Blink
-Armor can be any name (since youre allowed to use your own armor)
-Arrows (again, if you care about naming them) can be any name. I wont penalize anyone for using their own arrows.
-Potions can be any potions with any name

Thats all in the new "The Taken King" event update! Thank you for reading, to all participants, and have a good day!

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