The Role Playing Issue.

The Role Playing Issue.
Post by: Magicov - September 11th, 2015, 7:31:14 am

Me and xXDarkMasterXx have been talking for a while about the role play issue, where its spreading to factions and skyblock. A lot of players dont like the constant spamming from RPs (I myself hate them) so we came up with a few ideas to take into consideration.
#1 (Darks Idea) a new separate world just like creative, except just for RPs. so you would have a plot, then type /RP start or /roleplay start. that would allow people to apply using /roleplay apply [username] then the owner would accept them using /roleplay accept/decline [username] so then you could have your own group of Role players. another thing dark thought about is kinda like w/e. you would type /genre (how ever you spell that) fantasy/village/house/city etc. then that type of build would appear (i can make templates if you wish.)
#2 (my idea) My idea is probably a little more simple. just have a separate chat for role players. so you would be .like /rp chat and join a chat filled with your RP gang. then you could do your RP without any problems.

I hope you take these ideas into consideration, because some people are quitting the server because of constant RPs (I personally would like to see darks idea become reality)
See you online!
_MagicDog_ and xXDarkMasterXx

Re: The Role Playing Issue.
Post by: Livetabon - September 11th, 2015, 8:04:14 am

We cannot create a new world entirely for rpers (it would just take too much system space to create new servers specifically for rpers)

A new chat system would be nice, but that suggestion has been flying around for quite some time, I am unsure how or when or if it will be implimented.

Thank you for the ideas!


Re: The Role Playing Issue.
Post by: Slipknxt - September 12th, 2015, 6:18:42 pm

Good idea. I honestly cant stand role players it drives me insane.

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