SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin

SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin
Post by: darthgremlin1701 - June 13th, 2015, 10:53:49 am


So seems somethings dont change so before i leave i thought would air a few things.

1) SKYBlock Beta 50 challenge - Not so much a challenge more of a help your friends so those playing solo and fairly without help cant win.
2) AFK is still huge problem and will contiue to ruin SB as those who just AFK
3) No punishment for rule breakers.
4) Games are outdated when Skywars, Prison and other game modes are out there.
5) Lack of challenges.

They the top 5. To those i have met and call friends i say goodbye, To those who cheat and pvp kill just to see what you got etc i hope you get beaten at your own game. Maybe one day i will return.


Re: SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin
Post by: KermitsBigToe - June 13th, 2015, 3:47:27 pm


1) You could always invite some friends to join your island if you think playing solo is unfair.
2) People will be afk on every server. You cant really force them to their keyboards.
3) They are punishments for rule breakers. due to Staff on Strike it is hard, but theyre staff you could always report rule breakers to ( Skyrun02, Livetabon, etc )
4) Games like skywars and prisons are very hard to add. You need lots of programming and they can be very laggy for quite a few players. Also prison is a game where players who play 6-7 hours a day could easily beat the players who only get online for 3-4 hours a weekend, which is quite an unfair disadvantage.
5) I dont understand this one. Each server has challenges?
Factions; Become top killer, become most wanted, have the best faction, make a hidden base, get full enchanted diamond armour, etc.

Mini games; Become a well known pvper, beat all mazes, beat the parkour, reach level 30+ on colour shuffle, etc.

Skyblock; Become one of the richest players, have an iron golem spawner, Be one of the top islands, and a lot more.

Creative; Well theres loads of challenges here, unlimited resources- You can basically build anything.

Anyway those are just my own opinions so I am not saying Im 100% correct or anything ^^.

I never really spoke to you on the server, but I hope you return one day so I can get to know you better c:

Re: SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin
Post by: SkyrunPvP - June 13th, 2015, 4:03:16 pm

Have to say I agree with Sovie with skywars, prison etc is to hard to code with the limited of staff we have for that we would have to call in a Professional team which socialize in Team building and Community management.

In my opinion there is always something to do on the server some are just not motivated to do so.

There is going to be an afk kicker soon but we have better priorities.

Games are not outdated as many servers have them games still even the most popular.

There is challenges build a faction base get into the faction games and raid and kill people. Thats fun ?.

The server is a lot of fun if you get into depth.

Also keep in mind Siggi has spent a of a lot of money on this server which you should appreciate.


Re: SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin
Post by: Asheiou - June 13th, 2015, 4:27:17 pm

1) Go invite someone!
2) AFK will always be a problem.
3) There are punishments but all of the Helpers who are striking cant issue them.
4) We have colour shuffle :)
5) Go to Factions and go raid AE. Theres a challenge for you :)

Re: SKYBlock Beta FAO Siggi and Admin
Post by: Livetabon - June 13th, 2015, 5:26:27 pm

Actually since no one has really concerned themselves with number five or understand what he means by it I will answer it.

5.) skyblocks beta is not the official skyblocks that we are releasing, right now Siggi is using the beta to test the plugin he wrote, which is basically the island plugin of havin one unlimited island and having the ability to join countless others. So far this plugin is a beta, challenges are something that is normally in skyblocks to increase levels/money/etc

But the beta does not have that yet, more or less because Siggi still needs to see if his plugin works. Which is why he created a beta for it. Instead of instantly implimenting it.

The level 50 challenge was won by an island with no helpers and an island with two. Also the island with two helpers only get one code. So basically only one person wins still. The level 50 challenge is a thanks to players for basically playing on a server that will lose everything once the beta testing period is over. Its a motivation for players. There is also a third place prize, so as you can see there is still a chance to win if you actually try to work for it.

But yes challenges would be added after we can guarentee the plugin works. Please keep that in mind.

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