I've gone viral... Well, my post has.

I've gone viral... Well, my post has.
Post by: Derpehh - April 17th, 2015, 9:33:24 pm

So, this is about,"Livetabon and Ender in Love!!" So, this has, I think, 1046 views, a locked topic, and over 70 replies (76 replies). I posted it over a month ago, and trying to contain the conversation, but which was impossible. So, lesson learned, I will never post anything about love again. I also didnt intend for Forums to become YouTube comments. ;D 8) :P

Re: I've gone viral... Well, my post has.
Post by: Livetabon - April 18th, 2015, 1:07:47 pm

its quite alright, it was a fin topic that the community loved and shared in. It was something that brought the community together for quite a long while.

Do not feel sorry for that, it was an awesome forum topic that engaged our community! :)


Re: I've gone viral... Well, my post has.
Post by: AzzaOwns - April 19th, 2015, 5:22:23 am

it soo did lol thats post went craaaazy! XD

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