Concerning mutes

Concerning mutes
Post by: oneofakid - April 17th, 2015, 9:16:11 pm

Ive realized that on the offense history, there are tons of people who have gotten temp. banned for bypassing their mute. To be honest, I have done so before, like with console mutes, but that was before I started noticing those offenses. Just wondering, who is doing this, and why cant we? I understand that if were muted, were muted. But cant we just like let someone with signs/books know that we are muted, and then if any other signs/books are shown to them, maybe that could be a ban.

Just a question, not a suggestion.

Re: Concerning mutes
Post by: Livetabon - April 18th, 2015, 1:05:38 pm

people who have gotten banned for bypassing mutes have been warned verbally on several occasions to stop using books/signs to bypass their mutes. If you bypass your mute, what is the point of being muted?

People who use books to swear, constantly and continue to talk without much of that punishment etc will always be verbally warned before they are banned.

Which is why saying you are muted is fine, the console also only mutes players for a few minutes/seconds and it doesnt effect your /phistory. If a player pms you while you are muted the console also tells them you are muted, publicly though it does not.

We do not believe we ban too much for bypassing the mute, so it should be fine. Normally people with several tons of hours stacked up normally get banned more harshly then a first time offender.

So just dont bypass it! It will be over soon!


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