
Post by: LeonemMorsu - April 11th, 2015, 11:20:23 am

Hi guys! Sorry I was gone again. School and stuff is surely annoying and distracting. Ive had a bit more writers block, but it has recently subsided. I AM still working on Chapter 15 of CB Arising, as well as other stories for other sites. I promise you, it WILL get done. The date of when it will be is not known yet. But this main topic is just to let you know that Im back, Im working my hardest, and I will continue working on what I can as the week continues. Sayonara!

Re: Working
Post by: KeepingItCrafted - April 11th, 2015, 12:11:50 pm

[quote author=Th3Bl00dyK1tt3n link=topic=2633.msg11935#msg11935 date=1428765623]
Hi guys! Sorry I was gone again. School and stuff is surely annoying and distracting. Ive had a bit more writers block, but it has recently subsided. I AM still working on Chapter 15 of CB Arising, as well as other stories for other sites. I promise you, it WILL get done. The date of when it will be is not known yet. But this main topic is just to let you know that Im back, Im working my hardest, and I will continue working on what I can as the week continues. Sayonara!

Thats sounding very cool, I will certainly check it out once it has been completed. Whats the theme of it based on?

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