How would a player make/submit a spawn if they made one?

How would a player make/submit a spawn if they made one?
Post by: Poptartsislove - May 1st, 2016, 1:12:44 am

If one was to make a spawn, how would they go about submitting it and requesting for the staff to use it? I am not too familiar with the new set up of the website, and I am kinda curious if there are anything that could fit the bill for just asking staff to use a spawn you've made. Do you have to do it in game? Personal Messages? Or are staff only permitted to make spawns?

Re:How would a player make/submit a spawn if they made one?
Post by: slimestein - May 1st, 2016, 5:13:11 pm

Everyone is allowed to make a spawn, if we like it we will use it, it's best if it's made in personalspace but singleplayer also works.

Re:How would a player make/submit a spawn if they made one?
Post by: Poptartsislove - May 1st, 2016, 11:26:36 pm

Okay, how would I submit it? ^-^

How would a player make/submit a spawn if they made one?
Post by: RealSkateOh - May 1st, 2016, 11:34:39 pm

email it to them

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