My plotme home got removed or something...

My plotme home got removed or something...
Post by: xIntimidating - September 2nd, 2014, 10:47:26 am

BEFORE READING: I didnt really know where to post this, so I just posted it in General. Hope its fine here.

So basically I was added to someones plot so I could quickly use something. As I attempted to do /plotme home it gave me this error, "Could not find Plot #1." I was wondering if someone could help me find it again. It was basically an island with a bunch of water surrounding it. It was a work in progress so its not going to look completely finished. If anyone could claim it for a short time until I can get it back thatd be great.

Re: My plotme home got removed or something...
Post by: Solurnis - September 2nd, 2014, 6:14:14 pm

When you go back on do /spawn then go back to the creative world you were on and do /p h

Re: My plotme home got removed or something...
Post by: xIntimidating - September 2nd, 2014, 7:35:20 pm

I mean, I know how PlotMe works. Ive had it on my server before. Basically it was just a bug that happened and it removed my plot. All I lost was time, nothing really important.

Re: My plotme home got removed or something...
Post by: Kereo - September 2nd, 2014, 9:13:54 pm

general is the correct place to put this thank you! ;)

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