A poem from xXRoyalBlueXx

A poem from xXRoyalBlueXx
Post by: Puppylover1115 - March 15th, 2016, 3:49:49 am

"Roses are red violets are blue, my teacher is gay most people say, she gives out too much homework, so I don't do it, people on Minecraft probably don't have a life, my skin is a murderer, and by the time you read this you realize you made a mistake"

~A message from xXRoyalBlueXx that she wanted me to tell you

Sorry ~ Puppylover1115

A poem from xXRoyalBlueXx
Post by: Blu3J43 - March 15th, 2016, 6:20:52 am

.... Uh, I'm not sure whether to be offended, or just confused...

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