xBooyahx's an Admin

xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: BradmasterX - January 7th, 2016, 8:15:01 pm

Congrats on getting admin xBOOYAHx!!!

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: paintcr - January 8th, 2016, 7:58:54 am

I know! Im so happy 4 him! :3 He deserves it.

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: Amaterasu6k - January 8th, 2016, 4:34:06 pm

Thanks a lot guys! It really does mean a lot to me and i promise I wont let you down! ;D

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: vvanqu1sh - January 8th, 2016, 4:43:52 pm

Grats Booyah :D

I remember a few months ago you got promoted to mod - and a few months before that you got promoted to watcher (although I was on a leave so I could not witness it)

I also remember last year when we shared a skyblock island and you were a guest xD

And finally you became a member on my bday, September 15 :)

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: WhovianBunny - January 8th, 2016, 5:13:21 pm

Congrats Booyah!!!! Im very sure youll be a AWESOME admin!!!! I remember when you build the old creative lobby and it looks great!!! I cant quite remeber if you were a Mod or a Member or Guest. Again Congrats!!!!!!

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: slimestein - January 10th, 2016, 9:31:45 am

[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=5294.msg28363#msg28363 date=1452289432]
Grats Booyah :D

I remember a few months ago you got promoted to mod - and a few months before that you got promoted to watcher (although I was on a leave so I could not witness it)

I also remember last year when we shared a skyblock island and you were a guest xD

And finally you became a member on my bday, September 15 :)

Hahaha so many good things to remember, but i remember when he failed his first mod test and when i was assigned to make sure he didnt fail his second one (by forcing him to study :) )

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: androosu - January 10th, 2016, 11:53:47 am

Oh no.. Booyah has more power O_O Naw Im jk Booyah. Congrats on getting Admin ^.^

Re: xBooyahx's an Admin
Post by: vvanqu1sh - January 15th, 2016, 9:02:39 pm

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=5294.msg28394#msg28394 date=1452436305]
[quote author=DaRetroGamer link=topic=5294.msg28363#msg28363 date=1452289432]
Grats Booyah :D

I remember a few months ago you got promoted to mod - and a few months before that you got promoted to watcher (although I was on a leave so I could not witness it)

I also remember last year when we shared a skyblock island and you were a guest xD

And finally you became a member on my bday, September 15 :)

Hahaha so many good things to remember, but i remember when he failed his first mod test and when i was assigned to make sure he didnt fail his second one (by forcing him to study :) )
[/quote]Mhm he also failed his watcher app a few times xD

no offense boo^^

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