Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!
Post by: Ferocelion - December 24th, 2015, 12:41:34 pm

So, I know its only Christmas Eve, but tomorrow Im going to be surely busy. I just wanted to wish you all a very Merry Christmas. I hope you spend a lot of time with your family, eat until your full, and more importantly... GET LOTS AND LOTS OF PRESENTS! Family is more important though so make sure to invite everyone so that you can all be together, enjoy and cherish that lovely moment all together.

Merry Christmas,

Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: KermitsBigToe - December 24th, 2015, 3:48:22 pm

Fero youre so kind aw >~<!
I hope you have a really great Christmas too, and more importantly... GET LOTS AND LOTS OF PRESENTS! XD
Gosh, cant believe its nearly Christmas already? Like I think I must of blinked and missed the year of 2015... Literally went so so fast.
As Im typing this its already roughly three hours until the twenty fifth woah wow okay.
Anyway, Im known to ramble on a lot so Im just gonna say Merry Christmas! ;D

Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: androosu - December 24th, 2015, 5:13:31 pm

Merry Christmas to everyone who celebrates the holiday!

[quote author=SovietPickle link=topic=5219.msg27870#msg27870 date=1450990102]

Gosh, cant believe its nearly Christmas already? Like I think I must of blinked and missed the year of 2015... Literally went so so fast.

I swear, it still feels like Thanksgiving XD On the last day of school until the Christmas holiday, I swear it felt like YESTERDAY was Thanksgiving break, not 3 WEEKS ago XD

Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: slimestein - December 25th, 2015, 5:35:33 pm

merry christmas everyone, in sweden we celebrate it the 24th when you put up this post it was christmas for me (:

Re: Merry Christmas!
Post by: BradmasterX - December 25th, 2015, 9:44:23 pm

Lol, Ive been traveling all day for Christmas, well merry Christmas to all

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