jesus christ the frames are crazy

Re: jesus christ the frames are crazy
Post by: androosu - December 12th, 2015, 8:21:09 am

I lag to hit f3.. is that bad? anyway, I have normally around 2fps - 5fps when doing an action. But idk when not. I think like 14fps when I am just standing still. But Dats Just Factions And Spawn.

Re: jesus christ the frames are crazy
Post by: SkyrunPvP - December 12th, 2015, 6:42:28 pm

Kitty you probs have a laptop but I rekon you should get a gaming PC if you are taking gaming far

Re: jesus christ the frames are crazy
Post by: androosu - December 12th, 2015, 9:45:56 pm

[quote author=SkyrunPvP link=topic=5169.msg27691#msg27691 date=1449963748]
Kitty you probs have a laptop but I rekon you should get a gaming PC if you are taking gaming far

Exactly. My laptop is soo slow.. But honestly, my mom said my brother whose 15 cannot get a laptop. I am only 10.. My brother got a laptop slower than mine when e was like 13.. I got mine when I was 9 xD so I rlly cant complain lol.

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