My Active ness sucks ;-;

My Active ness sucks ;-;
Post by: androosu - December 7th, 2015, 6:28:56 pm

Just from dis weekend my active ness has gone down BCUZ (I have a gr8 reason) the Wicked Witch of The West (aka my mom) made me bring my laptop alllll the way downstairs... So I cannot be sneaking on at 5 am.. Sooo some random people may want to keep in touch.. If you have snapchat, pm me ur username thingy if u want to still be able 2 talk... So, have fun :D

Re: My Active ness sucks ;-;
Post by: slimestein - December 9th, 2015, 10:40:02 am

[quote author=KittyGabbyGamer_ link=topic=5162.msg27622#msg27622 date=1449530936]
the Wicked Witch of The West [/quote]

I laughed when i read that, is she really that bad?

Re: My Active ness sucks ;-;
Post by: androosu - December 10th, 2015, 7:30:58 pm

[quote author=slimestein link=topic=5162.msg27642#msg27642 date=1449675602]

I laughed when i read that, is she really that bad?

Yea. She said "U CAN MOVE ITBACK UPSTAIRS WHEN UR 15" I am just thinking I have had it up here like a month and now u notice -.-

Re: My Active ness sucks ;-;
Post by: MeLoveEevee - December 11th, 2015, 2:36:37 am

Im sorry this happend. Moms can usually be like this but they want to have the best protection over their child. They want them to be more safe. I generally have no clue why you cant have it upstairs until youre 15 unless she has to have it downstairs to watch over you. But overall im sorry that this is what is causing to drop down your On-Time.

Re: My Active ness sucks ;-;
Post by: androosu - December 12th, 2015, 8:18:16 am

[quote author=ActualSpace link=topic=5162.msg27670#msg27670 date=1449819397]
unless she has to have it downstairs to watch over you.

I get on at 5am. she aint watching me any time soon xD. Or I wake up at 7am. She wakes up at 9am. She aint watching me playing. NEVAH.. (Tbh she watched me once, and all she did was ask questions. Like "Whats That??????" "The Chat" "Do You Talk In There" "Sometimes"

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