My YouTube channel.

My YouTube channel.
Post by: MeLoveEevee - November 3rd, 2015, 9:19:48 pm

Hello guys. I do have a YouTube channel but I upload stuff that is nothing about Minecraft. I feel like we already have enough Minecraft videos on YouTube so thats why and plus.. My laptop can only play Minecraft around 10-30 FPS on low settings. When I use a recorder to record footage, I go down to 6 FPS.

What I do upload is Animations. Like Dragon Ball Z related animations. Like turning Sonic The Hedgehog into a Super Saiyan 3 (I dont have a animation like that though lol).

My last two videos are really good quality animations. Ive gotten better over the past few months at animating and if you look at my channel and look at my videos, go down and look at my older animations. Youll see that they are horribly drawn, but now I got better. c:

Thats a link to my newest video. Its a Mega Glaceon animation. Mega Glaceon doesnt even exist but I made it happen. c:

If you dont like them then you dont like them. If you do, thanks. ^^ Subscribe to me if you wish to. ^-^ itll make me happy.

Re: My YouTube channel.
Post by: UmbreonFang - November 3rd, 2015, 9:33:31 pm

Big brother I love the animation of you in mega glaceon form XD

Re: My YouTube channel.
Post by: RealSkateOh - November 4th, 2015, 3:10:30 pm

I have a youtube channel

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